I was chatting with the manager of a small business the other day and it became apparent that the only thing that they were interested in was acquiring new clients. It's occured from reading threads on this site that many of us suffer from the same short sighted approach but don't even see that we have a p...
Not Registered MLR
Hoping you can offer me some advice! I went from being an employed book-keeper to a self employed book-keeper simply to simplify my own tax situation, to save having lots of part time jobs and splitting my tax code, I realise ignorance is not an excuse but I did not know I needed to register, all my jobs/...
registering as self employed before MLR is accepted?
Hi I am waiting on my MLR application to come through from HMRC. Could anyone confirm whether or not I can now register as self-employed sole trader with HMRC or do I have to wait until the MLR application is accepted before registering? Thanks Bubs
Letter to accountants for work - can anyone have a look and tell me what they think please?
Hi I have drafted up a letter which I want to send out to accountants looking to sub-contract work. I tried this a few years ago and got a bit of interest but not much work. The letter I sent wasn't very thought out or put together well so I have decided to send another one out again, trouble is I've read and re...
how to enter a purchase invoice on VT with both vatable and non vatable items?
Hi does anybody know how to enter a purchase invoice on to VT that has both vatable and non vatable items on it. I have been entering the invoice twice with the vatable and non vatable as separate invoices which I think is going to be a nightmare when I reconcile the bank account. Does anybody know of a bett...
Does anybody use VT? VT Reports
If anybody uses VT can you tell me how to make reports i.e list of payments made from petty cash a report on each account i.e 'sales' that shows vat (but does not include all income accounts vat) or do you know where I can find a list of VT reports and how to find/make them - the VT guide is not much help Than...
Best way to purchase SAGE line 50
Hello to all Sage experts on here! I may have to set up a new Sage for a potential client, who wants to get Sage line 50. From my own experience, when in the past I called up Sage company, I had long conversation with Sage sales people trying to sell me Sage at a price which I thought was too high. If an...
Copying websites
I was having a look through the websites on the bookkeepers forum directory, and came across on in particular. It wasn't that it was exceptionally well designed that caught my eye, but when I started reading the service menu, and the details I thought it was very well written. Then I started to think...
Dependants Pension
Hi all, If a parent is receiving a pension on behalf of their child (the mother died, and now both husband and child receive separate occupational pension payments from the mothers workplace) - does the childs pension count as part of the parents taxable income? Not a situation I've had before, and I...
Allowable Expense
Hi, I hope someone can help me. I have a client who is a freelancer (director) for a Ltd company. She tends to purchase a lot of food any time of the day and some times it can be as much as £60 in a day is this allowable and what is a reasonable amount? Many thanks Denise ______________________
D Modjo
Hi, How do you manage year end/final accounts if the client didn't do a stocktake on the last day ? Georgie
VT/Quickbooks compatability with Mac Pro
Hi Has anyone experience in running VT/Quickbooks (I'm looking into buying VT or Quickbooks) with Apple Mac Pro. I have a normal desktop PC running on windows but I bought an Apple Mac Pro laptop this year thinking I could use it for doing bookkeeping/accounts and I now have a sinking feeling that mos...
Tax engagement letters
Hi, this is not an all singing all dancing engagement letter for all scenarios but for those offering tax / payroll services there has been a joint work by ATT, CIOT, ICAEW, ACCA, ICAS and IIT producing the document that can be accessed from this link http://www.att.org.uk/NR/rdonlyres/5468FE7C-...
cheaper course on RTI than with ICB?
I have the ICB diploma in payroll management but I did this a few years ago way before RTI. I haven't done any payroll for a while but as it's a service I offer I would like to do a course to learn all the new payroll stuff. ICB have a course for £99.00 plus exam fee £46.00 called 'Update course on RTI with sage 5...
Professional memberships?!?
Hi, Firstly - apologies if this is in the wrong area! Secondly good morning to you all Right, down to my question - what are your thoughts on being a member of a professional body such as AAT/CIMA etc.? I am a Member in Practice of the AAT, however, I only work part time through self employed work (abo...
what do you charge clients for stationery....print outs etc?
I never used to charge clients for print outs, files etc but I've noticed it's starting to cost a lot of money. With stationery I will now charge the cost to me but am unsure of what to charge for print outs. How much would you charge per print - colour and black and white? do you think that 10p per sheet is a bi...
Separating wet and dry sales into cash and credit card payments ???????????????????????
Hello I am new to the forum and wonder if anybody could help me. I'm quite out of practice and I'm going round in circles with this. I need to enter the days takings. I have wet and food sales some of which has been paid by cash and some credit card. So firstly I need to enter the days sales into wet and dry categ...
IR35 Advice...
Hi all, I have been approached by a new client to help with his Ltd comp bookkeeping. His background is IT, but since forming his Ltd company a couple of years ago, he specialises in providing Project Management to mainly large financial institutions. My concern is that I think he may fall into the IR35...
Yeeks! Just starting out as a bookeeper
Hi All I have been absorbing the posts on this forum for the past 4 years whilst studying my AAT qualification on a part time basis. Having just completed the AAT qualification, I'm feeling totally in limbo as I have no experience whatsoever as a book keeper. I know there have been many posts like this i...
VT Users......VAT in VT Question.....PLEASE HELP
I have taken on a new client for VAT returns. The client has an accountant. The business started last year and the first VAT quarter has been done. I have none of the paperwork yet for the first vat quarter. I have 3 vat quarters to do. The accountant wants me to use VT which I have bought. Can I do the the 2nd...