Sage Bank Reconciliation
I'm new to Sage and completing bank reconciliations to bring them up to date. Struggled but managed to complete 2 months and now on to July. Some transactions have already been entered to enable a VAT return to be completed and I've entered others. When Im completing the bank reconciliations, whi...
CIS Contractor - Sage Line 50
One of my payroll clients has just started doing CIS (1 subbie so far) and want to know he best way of entering it on sage. I have partially got my head round it looking on forums but some advice is conflicting. Please could someone advise the best way of entering it. eg £1000 invoice pays subbie £800 ...
Any good software for payroll processing services out there?
Hello, Anyone know or heard about good software for payroll processing services?
Dear All Appealing to the more technically minded. I set up my website about a year ago and as part of the price got free web hosting for a year. The year is now up so having to actually pay for hosting. The company who built the website are quoting £195+VAT. Few queries 1. Is this reasonable? Too high or t...
Entering a purchase invoice on Sage 50
Its been about 3 years since I last used Sage and I'm trying to enter a purchase invoice onto the system. Do I highlight the supplier then click invoice or do I go through the new purchase order or the place order from the list? Thanks
Which Sage Nominal Code to use?
Hi, I do the bookkeeping for a small partnership. One of the partners is buying the other partner out of the business. An accountant has set the amount to be paid, which both partners agree. The first payment has been made to the partner leaving, 4K cash was paid from business funds. My questions is...
Thanks for your support
Just a quick note to thank everyone who voted for 12Pay in the BKN Awards. And indeed to thank the kind anonymous clients who nominated us without being prompted to do so, as the award shortlist is nominated rather than entered by suppliers. We've just had a message from the organisers to say that we've...
Tom McClelland
Sage - Vehicle Lease Journals / Recurring Payments
Hi all, I am in the process of trying to set up our sage instant accounts (V18) to save me as much time as possible each month. We have a vehicle lease for a coach. Initially the lease company took £47,000 which I am told was a £20,000 deposit and the VAT - £27,000 for the 36 month term of lease. This was fo...
Sage Nominal Code
Hi I'm doing bookkeeping for a small partnership. One of the partners is buying the other out of the business. An accountant has set the amount that needs paying which both partners agree. My question is: The first payment has been made to the partner leaving with cash from the business - £4K, what...
Contra Entry
Hello everyone in this beautiful Monday evening! I need help with contra entries, please. I mean this one when your supplier is your customer at the same time. I have Sage instant accounts. I read through some old post but still not quite get it. I thought I can do it via journal, but how? I read somethi...
Sage accoonting, Sage ACT and ODBC
I have attempted to search the forum to see if there have been previous topics, but did not see anything... so please forgive me if I am asking a 'common' question. I worked with a client recently who uses Sage Instant Access and Sage ACT, for their accounting and client management respectfully. What...
Refund a customer in TAS BOOKS2
I have used TAS books since 1998 but over the last few years, it has mainly been SAGE. I am working in TAS at the moment and cannot remember how to process a customer refund on the system. I have posted the credit note which shows the customer now required a cheque from us as he paid in full and then there wa...
Which bookkeeping software do I choose; sage or quickbooks?
Hi everyone, Before I get to the main topic, I want to give you my current situation. I have a practice and my first client who I am currently going his tax return, and waiting on HMRC to give me the go ahead to be his tax advisor. Nevertheless, what I want is the best software for my current situation. I am c...
David Rosario
How do your customers track Estimates / Quotes
Hello I have a client who produces estimates and quotes for jobs. Before starting any work he askes for a 50% payment up front and then asks for the balance on delivery. As with all things, his clients will change their minds mid order. Adding things, taking things off, etc. The balance figure is rarely...
SAGE report designer
Hello, Does anyone know how to write in a red font on sage designer? I am trying to do a template for a warning letter and cant find out how to do it! Any help would be very much appreciated.
Accounting Newby
Factoring on Sage
i saw a chat on factoring but i was lost when one of the guides was that the person said to post sales invoices in the factoring account so if i am right i assume the person said post sales invoices to nominal code: 1200-1299 (as this is were the factor acct will be) but the slight problem is that sage is not al...
sage user
Sage Instant
I have a client who is asking me to work on his 2012 sage. He has transfered all his banking figures from excel to the sage. I have not used this version before especialy this type of transaction. All the invoics have been inputted and he wants them to be off set against the banking ones. Can anyone help me w...
Quickbooks seminars
Has anyone been to one of these? Was it useful? Did you come away with the software on the day? Thanks
Sage 50 - Email Statements
Hi I have a client who I do the bookkeeping for, then on a weekly basis send them the Sage data file to restore onto their copy of Sage so that they can carry out the credit control. Because of the every increasing costs of postage, paper etc they are looking to send the customer statement by email. I am use...
Sage 50
Sage 50 is the worlds best-selling business accounting software. Formerly know as Peachtree, parent brand Sage decided to unify their accounting and business services softwares into a single master brand Introducing Sage 50, Sage 100 and Sage 300. Sage 50 is the Sage small business family of acco...