Which software should I get?
Hello all Passed all 3 manual ICB (with distinctions ) & just working on electronic (using the Sage Instant accounts supplied with Ideal schools package). However I know that this will not be appropriate for use when I start up in business. Which software packages do other bookkeepers use? I'm l...
Open Sage Instant V17 backup file in V16 ?
Hi All, I need to open a Sage Instant V17 backup file in Sage Version 16 , Is there a way to do this or convert it back easily? The reason for this is I'm working with a colleague to get a clients accounts up to date and they use V16 multi company Thanks -- Edited by assistni on Wednesday 23rd of May 20...
Disposal of fixed asset - Sage again
Hi there, Could any one help me with disposal of fixed asset with loss. I'm pretty alright with making profis (correct me if i'm wrong - I'll put profit to bank account?) But what i'm supposet to do when there is loss? Should I post it stright to profit and loss a/c or open new account somewhere about 8000...
Sage Instant Accounts
I've been asked to help a small local company with computerising their accounts. Company has been trading for 18 months approx and directors have purchased and installed Sage Instant Accounts. No paper records have been kept to date so I was going to set up sage from stratch but one of the guys in the...
Error -6000, -80 in QB Pro 12
Hope there's a QuickBooks expert on here that can help. When I open QB 2012 I get the following error message: Error -6000, -80 in QB Pro 12' Any idea what's wrong? Thanks Jean
Sage Instant Limitations?
Hi Looking at software & was just wondering if anyone can say what the limitations are with Sage Instant over 50? Only planning on running small self-employed bookkeeping business. Is this suitable for having multiple business accounts? Thanks
Sage and posting Milage to DLA and VAT accounts
Hi there, I am preparing accounts via sage and would like a little guidance please on where to start by posting mileage expenses/allowances to the relevant accounts. ie DLA account and the VAT account. Any guidance would be of great help. Thank you
Manufacuring accounts
Hi I need to prepare accounts following manufacturing basics ie purchase invoices form differing suppliers debit wip/stock a unique stockuntil finished. we can have multiple items being made but also use the same suppliers for many. on sale full associated costs of the unique item taken to p/l b...
VT Transaction plus - Reconciling transactions from previous year
Hello, I'm converting from a manual system. I tried Sage 50 (recommended by our accountant who's a Sage dealer) but found it really overcomplicated. Then I tried Quckbooks pro which was easier than sage but still over complicated and quite bloated with some strange terminology used. I recently cam...
Wonnov Menny
Sage - Accounting for Deposits taken when no invoice issued?
Evening All - One of my clients takes deposits from her customers, say £30. This is usually via a card payment. My Client does not issue an invoice for the deposit as she doesn't want her sales figures/reports skewed by deposits against future work. When her customers have had their appointment, my...
Import B of Q into Sage 200
Hi We currently use Sage 200 + Project Accounting. I have been asked to develop our project design database to allow us to export a component list out of our database and import this into Sage to create a B Of Q. I am not too knowledgable about Sage, however I believe that the data could be imported from ex...
Online Accounting Software
I have a consultant client who uses Excel to do their own bookkeeping. They've spoken to me this morning about using an online accounting package. They've got fairly basic requirements, turover is £85K, need a sales and purchase ledger function, VAT, and payroll. Having never used an online syste...
Foreign exchange rate posting transactions
Can anyone tell me if this is the best way to adjust monthly fx rates at month end and year end reports regarding purchases in US $'s. The computer system is set at $1.5 to the £. At period end the o/s creditor balance variance between $1.5 and currect rate is adjusted on the balance sheet usually reduc...
Mary Lou
Changing Invoice template in TAS Books
Does anyone know if it is possible to change the sales invoice template in TAS Books and if so how? Thanks
Quickbooks Opening balances?
Hi, Im setting up a new company on Quickbooks and I need to enter the opening balances, for Stock etc. Can anyone tell me if there as an easy way of doing this? Or do you just make general journal entries? I'm a little bit confused as quick books seems to do everything else so smoothly. Thank you in advance...
Unreconciled bank transactions from way back clogging up my VAT return.
Nowadays I reconcile all my bank statements nicely. In the bad old days before I had really got to grips with Sage, I didn't. As a result, when I try to use Sage to do a VAT return it sends a nasty message saying there are 325,009,568,115* transactions from before the specified period and do I want to inclu...
VT Final Accounts
As if life isn't complicated enough I decided to have a go at producing a set of final accounts from an old text book and seeing if I could arrive at the same answer as the book....(and I thought it would be easy) Can someone tell me why in the balance sheet - Creditors amounts falling due within a year the bo...
Need some help please finding a nominal code
Hi, I would really appreciate if someone could help me. Im using sage and I need to find a nominal code for the services I got from a solicitor. Obviously cant put it under purchases so what should I use. Really sorry if it seems a kindergarten question, I just started using sage for first time so...nee...
HMRC Website review
I logged onto HMRC yesterday and was quite impressed with the information available on the new website. If you have not logged on recently it is worth a visit. With modern technology, it is a shame it was not available earlier.
Sage Invoicing-contact details
I've checked the help menus and I've tried several options but I'm having no luck. In Sage Invoicing can you add contact details to the invoice? I'm assuming as most options i've tried haven't come up with anything then you can't and you have to have Sage Instant Accounts? Thanks in advance.