Self Employed Return - Vehicle fuel costs - pickup truck
Hi I am looking at a self employed return, and he has a lot of expenses for vehicle fuel. I know he has a large pickup truck for his business (he is a carpenter and uses it to pick up supplies/wood and deliver goods in a certain distance). However, he will use a certain % for his commute from home to his worksh...
Redundancy Pay and Tax Code 0T
Hi, I want to process around £2,500 redundancy pay through the payroll before the P45 is issued. Can I just confirm with anyone that this can be done simply as a non-taxable item? In other words, I don't use the 0T tax code? thanks peeps.
Don Tax
Vat Return error
Hi All just taken on a client who is on the flat rate scheme for VAT. When he submitted the last VAT return he made the mistake of submitting it as a standard VAT return so consequently paid £300 more VAT than he should have. Can I reclaim the £300 by making an adjustment on his next return and submitting und...
VAT query from a newbie
Hi there, I am fairly new to posting here but have been reading all the good advice for quite some time now! I have a query relating to VAT on purchases from the EU and am looking for the correct information on how to deal with this. A bar that I do book-keeping for has been sourcing drinks from Germany and th...
Employment Allowance
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could advise how they are booking the new employment allowance in their accounts? I am not sure whether to book the employers NI and tax as normal and then show a miscellaneous income for the employment allowance or show the employers NI as lower to reflect the allowance f...
Requirement to declare expenditure
Hello everyone - could someone issue me with a sanity check please, because I think I've lost all trace of mine. I've just had a strange conversation with someone at HMRC (nothing new there), during which he got very uppity with me about the topic of not putting items of expenditure on the relevant VAT r...
Deregistering for VAT in Quickbooks
I have a client who uses QuickBooks who is deregistering for VAT. Has anyone got any experience of doing this in QuickBooks. I want it to use VAT until 30 April and then not from 1 May. Is that possible? Thanks
Book Keeping Start up
Hello friends, I would like to post my website address www.final-accounts.com If you have any queries regarding outsourcing your book keeping feel free to contact. Our Rate is £ 6p/hr for external Accountants & £ 8-10p/hr for Companies. We are using Sage line 50. Regards
VAT returns using Sage Instants
Hi, I have a VAT return to do for the period ending 30th April 2014. I don't use Sage that much it's just for 1 client. Looks like I have made of mess of it already. I had an issue that I posted on here a few weeks ago and it still exists. I have a net Sales figure in box 6 that shouldn't be there and have no idea wh...
Elaine R
QuickBooks Payroll prior months input
Can anyone help me with this query? I have taken over a new client for month 12, using Quickbooks Payroll have entered month 11 cumulative and then month 12. Following the RTI submission to HMRC; HMRC have informed me that the cumulative to month 12 has been submitted and not only month 12 as was expect...
Registering a client for PAYE
Hi All If I register a client for PAYE do I then wait until they receive their PAYE and Accounts Office Reference numbers so I can then get authorisation to work on their behalf? Georgie
Incorrect tax codes - worrying!!
Hi Ive just had a tax code notice change for an employee of one of my clients going from 944L to 89T. I ended up ringing the tax office who advised this was wrong. Now this is the 3rd instance of incorrect tax codes I've seen in the last 2-3 months. No explanation was given - just 'oh its wrong/change to 100...
Child Benefit - what is included in income?
Hi One of my clients wife asked me today about the whole child benefit tax for higher earners, and I just want to make sure I have all the information correct. She works in London & commutes (which cost about £8000 pa), plus she pays money into things like share purchase. What I understand the £50k i...
Quickbooks and P60's
Any gurus of payroll and quickbooks please help! Ran the year end process whilst submitting wk52 payroll. answered all the questions and bam, done. Now I cant see ANYWHERE how to print p60's... please help... I thought by going it to 'run year end process' again might work but i cant even select any em...
HMRC Basic tools Tax code query
hi I am in the process of running the payroll for a client and one employee is on 944L from last tax year (from his P45) when I am trying to input this months pay the Basic tools tell me that he is on emergency tax and this years emergency tax code is 1000L. We have had nothing from HMRC to change his code do I...
What happens to the VAT in this situation?
I am the treasurer for a charity that runs a community centre. We currently have a hirer (railway contractor) that is paying for sole use of a room to use as an office for the next few months. They have agreed to pay us for the cost of extra security measures (additional PIR sensors) for the room which we wi...
Use of home for sole trader living with parents
eI'm just starting on a tax return of a sole trader. He lives with his parents and pays them rent. If I can't use the £4 a week for use of home office any more how would I calculate the use of home office rate? Would I take the rent paid as the total cost of the house and then apportion it as normal for the numb...
Basic PAYE Tools RTI: problems creating Earlier Year Updates (EYUs).
I am the treasurer for a small charity that only has 2/3 employees any anyone time. I made a bit of a boo-boo and tried submitting the last few FPS's for 2013-14 after the deadline - which of course all failed. I found out I will have to complete the year using EYU's instead, but the damn program is treating...
Help! Payroll Journal including SPP and compensation
Hi Guys, I just cant get my head around the journal for a payroll month where I am able to reclaim SPP and Compensation! I have looked at it many times and just cant work it out! So this is the scenario Gross Pay 2031.53 SPP 273.56 (Claiming back from HMRC) Ee'r NI 65.28 SPP Compensation 8.21 (Claiming back...
P46 Car change fuel benefit
The employee has company car and no fuel provided. P46 was sent to HMRC and tax code in order. From 6.4.2014 employee will have all his fuel provided by the company. How do you inform HMRC. Do I withdraw car and then reinstate with new details showing fuel provided and does this have to be done onlin...