Leaver close to Christmas
Hello Looking for advice on the fairest way to calculate a leaver's final pay. F/t employee gave notice on 28 Nov and intends to work up to 20 Dec and 'take the rest as holiday'. Notice period is one month. Option 1: Leaving date is 20 Dec. Pro rata holiday entitlement less holiday taken is 5 days (rounded...
Christmas Party
In the event of a Christmas party for 20 people where there are 2 directors and no direct employees* I have arrived at a figure of £32.47 a head so can £64.94 be offset against the two directors (a couple) or would it all be classed as standard entertainment? *they have some self employed which explains t...
Subsidence Claim
Someone I know is looking to get some tax relief back on travel and what he calls lodging allowance. He works away and uses his own van to get there. As far as I can see it would be a straightforward claim for mileage allowance providing it is not the same place of work over 2 years. The lodging allowance is...
Statutory Maternity Pay - advance funding
Can anyone how explain how this works out? I will have one client where their only employee (works three days a week) will be going on maternity leave in a couple of weeks. This client does not pay any PAYE tax or national insurance but does pay above the LEL so there is no money there to take the SMP from. 90...
Payroll...is it worth it?
I've recently started up on my own and up until now, haven't had much call for payroll. I have the qualification but not confident in offering it as a service. I'm considering doing a refresher on it but am wondering whether it is worth it? Obviously being able to offer this to clients who require it is an...
2013 SA Return due 2nd Jan 2014 - Late Filing Penalty Received.
Bit of a laugh. I'm 99.9% certain that this is a mistake but just wondered if anyone else is getting strange penalty notices for Self Assessment. I really would have thought the HMRC computer wouldn't permit a human error of 2013 Return to be penalised before 31st January. This isn't a run of the mil...
Don Tax
Problem with EPS
Doing my first pay run under RTI - have successfully filed an FPS, but when I come to do the Employer Payment Summary I get the message which appears below - can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong ? Eunice The data that you are attempting to submit to HM Revenue & Customs has failed the initial valid...
Bucks Bodger
Payroll help
Hi, i need to set up payroll for a customer who has given me a net figure of 7.75 per hour pay. Shouldnt she give me the gross?
I've been reading up on the forthcoming workplace pensions and my boss has paid for me to attend a Sage seminar however they rang up and cancelled and said they would contact me for someone to come out to my workplace and do a one to one seminar with me well knowing sage I can imagine this won't happen. Can...
Loss Carried Forward on SA - Dumb Question
Hi. I am having a dumb moment with a clients SA Return. (Sole Trader.) Two years ago (first year of trading) he declared a loss. He did his own SA Return that year. Lets say it was a £5k loss. I am doing his 12/13 return, and he has again made a loss (say £3k) I am sure that the two years of losses an be carr...
VAT Registration
Hi, I would appreciate some guidance on something. One of my clients is currently not registered for VAT but about to go over the threshold within the next two weeks. Ordinarily they would apply to become VAT registered but they are ceasing to trade from 31st December. Is there any way around it? ...
should I submit before payment?
Hi guys advise please?? Earlier this year I was contacted by a guy who had 5 years of outstanding tax returns to complete, he had received many penalties and gained lots of interest. I offered him an amazing price for all 5 years (not inclusive of current year) and he was happy with the price. Getting...
VAT on introduction fees
I have a client that introduces clients to an insurance company and then receives money from that company as an introduction fee. My client is VAT registered. They don't currently issue invoices for the amount, the insurance company just pays it into their bank account. Should they be paying VAT...
Director wants himself on all of his three companies payroll!!
Hi I do the payroll for three connected companies and due to go in tomorrow to do the next lot. Ive just had a email from one of the Directors asking me to add him on to each Limited company's payroll and pay him £500. He has been on one for ages and claiming the usual below the threshold £641pm. I cant spe...
fines for not submitting self assessments
HI, Does anyone know roughly how much someone would face in fines for not submitting Tax returns for the last 6/7 years? I have a new client who is about to phone me. He sounds like a CIS contractor but until I speak to him not 100% sure. I text him and asked if he had a user id and password and wasn't sure what...
Elaine R
Outside the scope of VAT!
I'm looking for a difinitive list of items which must be excluded from VAT returns. Is there such a thing and where can i find it? Have spent hours looking at HMRC website but different pages say different things!
Clair Evans
Partnership expenses
Hi, I am doing the accounts and self assessments for a partnership. They are pub managers They have sent me proof of earnings and also receipts for any purchases along with the takings etc from the bar and restaurant as they were paid on a commission basis. There is not a great deal of paperwork but I wa...
Elaine R
New starter tax code
Hello I have a new starter who has a P45 from the end of March 2013 and has verbally confirmed he hasnt had another job. The P45 showed him as on an OT code. Should I use this or put him on a w1/m1 944L?
Recharged Agency Worker Travel Exepnses - VAT query
We pay for a worker via an agency and they charge the rate plus VAT, I'm okay with that. However we also re-imburse the worker his travel expenses through the agency and this is where the problem arises. For example he has a travel bill for £120 Gross which the agency refunds back to him. Should the agency...
Employer NI
I have recently bought Sage Instant Payroll, bringing payroll back in house. One of my Directors is 82 years old, earns £55000 p.a. paid monthly. Sage Instant has calculated his employers NI as £189.60 this month, yet in previous months it has been £544.05. Which is correct ?