Clearing "list of details"
Hi, Currently using Sage Instant accounts and when posting purchase invoices, Journals etc the details section seems to carry, in a drop down box, all the previous details that have been used before. The list is now becoming huge and was wondering if anyone knows how to clear all the old data. Many Th...
Pen Pusher Paul
Re: Red Tape & Confusion!!
Hi fellow book-keepers, I have just this minute registered on this site, at last I have found somewhere to get some answers. I have been a book-keeper for 15 years and am AAT qualified and about 12 months ago I decided to go self-employed. My employer at the time was happy for me to do that and invoice h...
Wrights BS
I just had to tell you all about the state of a client's book that were done by a "so" called experienced bookkeeper. He says he didnt check if they were registered etc etc etc. Anyhow, this client rents out properties (about 3 properties with 12 rents altogether), the rental income was en...
Lisa Jo
Getting British Business Online
Hi everyone, Does anybody know anything about Getting British Business Online? They offer free .co.uk domain and webhosting. According to businesslink: Getting British Business Online aims to get 100,000 British small businesses on the internet by the end of the year. The year-long campaign is...
Best software
I'm considering setting up my own bookkeeping practice and wondered what the best software to use for multi-companies is. I am guessing its Sage 50 but are there any serious alternatives? Any help much appreciated.
New client
Hi Everyone, I have a question, would like to run it by you experts before i carry on.. i think i know what i should do. I have this new client, sole trader, single guy with a couple of kids. I have been entering his details into quick books and doing fine until i started looking through his bank account in m...
Accountancy Study?
Hi I am hoping someone can help with what is seeming a hopeless situation. I gave up work as a financial advisor when I had children and studied bookkeeping to earn an income initially with the idea of continuing to study accountancy (self study at home) so that i may then take a job as a part qualified ac...
lots to learn
How do you tell them?
Ive just prepared my customer's year end (nearly), Ive cleared down control accounts etc, just finishing off the bank recs. One customer is nearly 70k in credit because no invoices have been raised to offset against the money paid. Ive advised the owner that 2 invoices have to be raised but he doesn...
Lisa Jo
HMRC At Last
At last after weeks of waiting and a letter gently reminding them I have finally received my Self Assessment agent code from HMRC. So to those still waiting, it will come eventually. Regards Mark
£20,000 a year clients
I've been researching offering a "bookkeeping plus" service at circa £1,000 to £2,500 a month. This is where the bookkeeper offers a total finance department including an address for the clients customers and suppliers. The service would include:Debtor statements, credit contro...
Dividend Payments
Hi. I have just been employed by a new client who runs a company which provides specialist driver training. My client has informed me that in order to set up his company he has asked two people who drive for him to inject some cash. There are three shareholders in the company. My client who owns 52% and the...
HMRC Aaaarghhh
Had a problem with payroll year end returns yesterday - system wouldn't accept a P14, I knew why - director who had paid NI on salary for the first 7 months then taken no salary for the last 7 months therefore when NI was annualised a full refund resulted. The P14 showed figures in 1a, 1b, 1c and nil in 1e an...
Afternoon!! Just a quick question just to settle my mind. Planning to sit my level 2 ICB manual exam in July. However, I have a potential first client meeting. Didnt want to start practicing until I had the level 2 completed- so I was covered with money laund regs and indemnity insurance Can I stil...
Right I am being an absolute thickett but I can't see how to send someone a message or how to read mine!! How do I do it? I would also clarify that the title of my thread relates to private messages and not a gynaecological cry for help
advice on takings
Hi, I have a potential new client but i am a bit wary about taking him on.He owns a couple of burger vans and has been trading for the past seven weeks.The bit i am unsure about is that he does not put any takings through a till he just keeps them in a plastic tub and pays for all his materials this way and ke...
Directors Car - Benefit or Not?
Hiya Peeps One of the Directors I work for is contemplating leasing a car and wants to put the cost of the car through the business, but intends to reimburse the company for the cost of the vehicle (i.e. net plus 50% VAT) by taking a reduced dividend at the end of the year. I'm trying to establish whether th...
total wreck !!!
Hi I am new here wonder if some confidence could be injected into me i am AAT full member and have turned into a jelly overnight at the prospect of doing a friends tax self assessment he has just become self employed all i have to do is log his income / expenses and his part time PAYE job - is that right i am lost...
Employment and Self Employed
Hi all, Feeling slightly scared. Am about to do my first paid tax return and the guy I'm doing it for did part of the year in Employment and part Self Employment. He was emergency taxed on the employment side of things and has not as yet claimed it back. I'm not sure how to deal with this and any advice would b...
Deductible Expenses - Self Employed Bookkeeper
Hi All Am just completing my tax return for my first year as a self-employed bookkeeper and was wondering what kind of expenses other self-employed bookkeepers were deducting. I have two clients that I travel to three times a week so I will claim mileage allowance and I have some stationery/postage r...
Data Back Ups and Storage
Hi All Having just got my practice licence I am keen to get my new business up and running. I was wondering how you seasoned folks deal with backups - both accounts and payroll. Do you just take copies to keep yourself or do you pass a copy onto your client for safety. Do you use CD's or other forms ? I was also...