Are Bookkeepers being squeezed currently?
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I've been reading over a few topics of how to market one's Practice and the stories of other members who have had difficulty finding new business. One can never read and do enough when it comes to marketing, I accept that a vital ingredient is perseverence and learning and following all the precribed p...
Penalties. What your clients may be charged
Something that I seem to be asked quite a lot is about what penalties people are likely to suffer for issues related to their tax. Hope that this short but handy note helps you and your clients ake the right choices. The percentages given are the potential lost revenue by HMRC. Deliderate and conceale...
credit note
hi! This is our story.We paid too much for a phone and internet services to our office provider.It was their fault as they issued as an invoice with wrong amount i.e. £540 instead of £420.Therefore we made an overpayment which they confirmed and we requested a refund.6 weeks later they are saying th...
Going from being full time employed, to part time employed and running part time accountancy business
Hi all, I am seriously considering leaving my full time job and working part time, perhaps about 29 hours a week, to give me more time to focus on my business. I am worried that if I start going to interviews, should I tell them I also have my own business?. Would this go against me, or should I not mention it...
Charging an initial fee
A former colleague asked me if they should charge an initial fee for a new service and it got me thinking. For their situation I suggested he test and start with charging £200 to £300 for the initial one-to-one telephone consultation. This would include an initial assessment and some highly valueabl...
Xero + you + me = win
I am just starting to really understand the value/benefits of online accounting and have partnered with Xero. I am writing a blog post on the benefits of Cloud Computing and have come up with 11 benefits: 1. Mobile working 2. Lower costs 3. Less capital tied up 4. Monthly payments 5. Saleability 6. Aut...
Most Innovative Accounting Firm 2012
Congratulations to Kris of KM Bookkeeping & Accountancy for winning the most Innovative Accounting Firm 2012
client going from being self employed to a partnership
Hi all, I have a client who was a self employed business, and has now became a partnership. My fees I thought are very reasonable, I was charging obviously for one self assessment before, am they have always been completely happy with this price, and now I am charging the same for the first self assessen...
client paying in vouchers
Hi there, If a client was to pay for work done by giving vouchers, e.g. say a hairdresser did someones hair, and then the client paid them by giving them vouchers, these were circuit tickets and the client is a circus, would the client need to account for the income (vouchers)?. Many thanks lor
Company Logos
Hi everyone, I want to look more professional and have been thinking of doing myself a logo. At the moment I have just a claculator and my name and address in italics as my headed paper, saying that I don't have the need to send too much on headed paper. All my invoices are done on QB and although they look...
client question re: training as an allowable expense
Hi All, I have a client who's business offers help to women who are pregnant, e.g. yoga and massage. But she has asked me, would she be able to put through a university fees (she's studying law), as a friend told her that she's able to put through the accounts as she said that she has to write up contracts i...
Fixed Fee....ooops
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Hi everyone, Just having read the last post about bookkeepers being squeezed I have a dilema and want some advice. I thought I would try the "Fixed Fee" aproach with a new client and it turns out that I have not really charged enough as there is more work than I thought. Fingers now badly burnt...
Choosing accountancy/book keeping as a career
I have just been made redundant recently from my office administration job which I held for the last 20 years or so. I enjoy working with figures and was thinking of going into accountancy, and looking into book keeping to kick start my career. Is it possible to have book keeping as a full time job or is...
VT Accounts
Hi All, I purchased VT accounts about a year ago, do I need to upgrade it?, or do you just buy once and that's it?. Thank you in advance. Lor
allocating a credit note to a wrongly paid invoice... help please...
I have just started using sage 2011 at work and have made an embarrasing blunder which I do not know how to solve. W are in the process of Moving our accounts from quick boos to sage and an invoce has been entered incorectly (happily that part was not my fault) previously to it being entered 3 'payments on...
ICB Bookkeeping Practice of the Year
Can I just say (and I'm sorry to boast ) that I'm thrilled and excitimicated to say that Needham Accountancy Ltd has been shortlisted for the above award. (Blows on fingernails and rubs them on right lapel!)
Mad Liz
Sage Customer Credit Note and Cash Accounting
Hi All Sorry if this is really basic, but I have been up most of the night with a crying baby and my brain is mush. I have just taken on a Cash Accounting Client and they need a Credit Note raising for an Invoice issued on 23 March 2012. This falls over a Financial Year Ending (31 March) and involves VAT. Do I...
Limited Company Yearend Accounts
Help! I have a limited company client (my first as Im used to sole-traders therfore very nervous that I get this wrong) that I need to prepare a full set of accounts for shareholders, companies house and completed corporation tax return. I am currently using Sage Instants to trail balance stage h...
ct 600 for period 09/11/2010 - 05/04/2012
Hi all, I'm struggling with the above as it is longer than 12 months. I have downloaded the pdf to do the ct600, I have filed accounts with companies house separately. I having problems it isn't giving me this period as an option, it gives me 09/11/2010-08/11/2011, then 11/11/2011-05/04/2012, th...
closing ltd comp and repayments
Hi all, if a ltd companies closes and it has a loss, does the company receive a repayment or the director themselves, sorry first time doing return for ltd comp that is closing with a loss!. thanks in advance