Becoming an Independent Certified Practising Accountant
Good evening I'm new to this forum and I have a question I hope BKN members will be able to assist with. I've been working in accounts and book-keeping for over 30 years, mainly tax and accounts for SMEs. I have been made redundant from the accountancy firm I've spent the last 10 years at, and I'm in the pro...
Self assessment tax returns
I have just set up my own business and am wondering what is an average price to charge for completing tax returns. many thanks Terri
ipatter the new Twitter?
Just looking into alternative (and free) marketing methods and came across ipatter. It looks a bit like Twitter, but rather than tweeting you patter! Solely UK based at present which I like. I'm going to give it a go and do a few patters, just wondering if there's any other patterers on here?
Anyone use Qype?
Signed up for a free account on Qype.co.uk last week, and suprise suprise had a Qype rep phone me up today with a 'special' reduced price if I sign up for a premium listing. I've never used or even come across Qype until last week (maybe thats my answer), but the rep said they're growing rapidly and will b...
Balancing Charge - AIA
Hi - I would like to check the balancing charge when an item is sold for more than its original cost and when AIA was claimed. Lets say I purchased an asset in 2011 for £600 and claimed AIA. If I then sold the asset for £700 in 2012 i.e. for more than the original cost would the balancing charge be £700 or woul...
Real Time Information
Sage carried out a survey where they discovered three quarters of small businesses didnt know about the HMRC proposal to introduce RTI. Is anyone here up on it? What do you think it's going to mean for us as bookkeepers, given that reports will need to be submitted to HMRC on a monthly rather than annua...
Errors on Corporation Tax Return
Dear All I have just submitted Ltd Co Corporation Tax Return for the first time using 'joint filing service' and now printing off all the papers I see that the balance sheet didnt balance! As I forgot to include ammortisation in the Capital and Reserves section, this does not agree with Net Current A...
Lilac Bookkeeping
Advice re troublesome client
I do the bookkeeping and payroll for one of my clients, and I'm having real trouble getting the information I need from him. One example is the payroll - he won't come up with an annual gross salary for himself and his employees, and just pays a seemingly random amount to everyone each month. He then won'...
Maternity allowance - leaving employment
Hi all, Stupid question no. 101.... (only kidding!...well about the 101 anyway) If an employee is currently on ordinary maternity leave which ends at the end of June (the 39 weeks) and is receiving Maternity Allowance as she wasn't entitled to statutory maternity pay and she wishes to hand in her not...
Money Laundering Regulations
I have just secured a new client for whom I am going to be undertaking general bookkeeping services. They have an accountant who prepares the accounts at the end of each quarter - my job is merely to organise their paperwork before being sent to the accountant. Does anyone know if I need to undertake any...
Can anyone recommend a scanner
It's long overdue but I'm now ready to go paperless! I've had enough (or more precisley my wife has had enough!) of the endless piles of paperwork at home. Can anyone recommend a scanner in the price range of £300 to £500? Ideally it will have a feeder facility which I guess will save some time. Many than...
Pension Introducers wanted
I am an accountant/bookkeeeper and was approached by one of my clients to introduce my other clients to them whom have got pensions that they are no longer paying into and then transfer them to a pension that will give a minimum of 10% return. The pension company concerned is fully supported by Helvita...
To LTD to not to LTD?
Hi all. As a newbie who probably will end up working for a company once he's got enough training/certification to persuade someone to take a chance with him, nevertheless it would be nice if one day I work for myself. Or perhaps some opportunistic work will come along from those friends who have their o...
Quickbooks Pro 2012 - Special offer today only!
CIS when not an employer
Hi A new client is a contractor, is registered for CIS, has paid the tax over to HMRC. As I understand it, and from HMRC's website, "At the end of the tax year, the company should show its CIS deductions on the P35 Employer Annual Return. The P35 Employer Annual Return must be completed even if the c...
Bucks Bodger
Professional Accounting Exams and Experience
Hi all... I work as a bookkeeper at the moment and also do some final accounting tasks. I am ACCA part-qualified from way back. I have contacted ACCA and as soon as I pay amounts outstanding (apparently, I owe renewal fees from a decade ago (!!)), I can re-gister and complete 5 papers to gain the profess...
Professional Clearance
Do bookkeepers need to obtain professional clearance before taking over a client from an accountant? I would always send a clearance letter, but is it mandatory (probably not the right word but I can't think of another right now...) I know for accountants to accountants it is done out of professio...
Jo Gordon
Charging for Payroll
Good Morning, I am relatively new to bookkeeping (I am ACCA qualified and have spent the last 30 years in a Corporate Finance role) and I am just about to take on my first payroll client. However, I don't really any idea how to charge for payroll. I would prefer to charge a fixed fee rather than an hourly ra...
Getting rid of a bad client
Hello everyone, I have this client who to be honest is not worth the hassle. (Not to me anyway) . Anyway, on top of not being treated very nice and consistently messed about I have decided to tell them nicely that I no longer want to work for them. The final straw is that even though I stated my terms in my le...
Branded car, is it worth it for book-keepers?
Hi all I've recently noticed an increase in branded cars driving around our local town. Obviously lots of branded vans for plumbers, electricians etc but one I saw was for a well know 'tax assistance accountancy franchise'. I've also seen one for a firm of solicitors. I'm thinking about changin...