Sage Instant Accounts - VAT Help
Hi All, I wonder if anyone could help me with a solution for the scenario below: I have an Invoice for a piece of machinery that is VATable, I paid the deposit and entered this into Sage through my current account inc. VAT. The rest of the bill will be paid off monthly, similar to HPI. I have a VAT period co...
Sage Line 100 Sales Ledger
Hi, I've just started working for a company that still uses Sage Line 100. I am totally new to bookkeeping and am having a few issues. I allocated a receipt in error to the sales ledger. Here's what I did- Not knowing what I was doing, I went into the Sales Ledger and allocated a receipt for say £5000. I allo...
Employee expenses in Sage
Can anyone advise what would be the best way to record employee expenses in Sage? They pay for the goods then a bank transfer is done to their account. Thanks Sam
Customers balance account
Hi everyone, I posted a new customer invoice on Sage 50 (2014v) but the balance of the majority of our customers is zero and it's clearly impossible. Inside of them there are the previous sales receipts attached with the invoices and sometimes others are empty without invoices. I have the felling t...
Sage One EU Purchases
Hi I have received my first Sage One client and I was just wondering if anyone knows how to post EU purchases. His invoice shows Belgium VAT number, no VAT has been shown on the invoice. The tax codes available for Sage One are Standard, Lower Rate, Exempt, Zero and No VAT. Which option would show it corre...
Import int Sage
Hi all :) Oh boy, am I glad I've found this place!!!!!!!!!!! I'm tearing out what little hair I've got left trying to import audit trail transactions from Excel into Sage. I thought I'd finally got this sorted but am now completely stuck. I've attached screen shots of the Excel spreadsheeet I'm using a...
VT Cashbook
Good Morning All Is there a way of exporting the data file as a .csv file to import into Excel. I need some better formatted reports and the charity does not want to purchase Vt Transaction.
moneysoft issue
Had an odd one. I use Moneysoft and have field all the Payroll etc, claimed the Employers allowance etc. Yet a client has had a late payment notice, when I called HMRC it is because the allowance claim box is unticked. In Moneysoft it says it has been filed etc so am at a loss as how to correct this Any sug...
Combining purchase order and stock control - is there any small business software that does this?
My client designs electronic gubbins. He buys the bits and pieces and sends them with a purchase order to a local factory for them to build the gubbins (I don't know what it does). He is slowly building up stock of some components. Bearing in mind that there is just the one bloke plus me for a couple of hour...
Quickbooks 2015 - Include VAT in Turover
I have to complete an annual business survey and they want the turnover including VAT. I cannot for the life of me find a report that will let me do this. Is it possible?
Is it possible to change from SAGE 50 Payroll to Moneysoft midyear?
Hi, The company I currently work full time for uses an external accountant. Since taking me on for my excel skills they now want me to take over the accounts when I feel competent and able to. The company is a 3 Director SME with a turnover of about £1.5m and 40 staff. I am in the middle of moving them from...
Quickbooks and Flat rate VAT
I have been given a client from a local accountant. I want to do a great job as it could lead to more. I entered all his receipts/invoices etc onto QBs and was about to reconcile his VAT which wasn't reconciling. Turns out he's on the FLAT RATE Scheme and doesn't claim input tax. So how do i enter all this on Q...
VT Reports
just a quick question is it possible to print reports in a at with your bookkeeping logo on?
Pivot Tables
I was at a clients yesterday and they have a spreadsheet which analyses the expenses using a pivot table and I am trying to recreate it at home. I have managed to set up the data OK, I have now got drop downs for the most common Nominal codes, and I have used an "IF" calculation to work out the VAT...
Bucks Bodger
Quickbooks 2008 VERY large file
Help! Have just started with a new client who is using QB 2008, they have transactions dating back to 2001 on this system making it very difficult to use. (20 to 30 minutes to create a VAT report) How can I Archive/Delete old no longer needed data? Thank you in advance Penny
Manually entering payroll figures in Quickbooks
I am Currently using Quickbooks 2012 and use the HMRC Basic Tools for the payroll and have got rather confused with the entries. I have been using the write cheque function for about 2 with Gross Salary and then individual deductions, but last November the employment allowance was only part of the Em...
Copying VT Transactions to another file.
One for Shaun possibly. I've inadvertently opened an old file and inputted two months data into it. (sale and purchase invoices and cash receipts) Is there a way I can pull that data and copy it into the correct one, possibly by using the universal input sheet, or will I need to start again
How would i enter cash sales without customer records in sage instant 2015?
Hi, I am completely new to all of this accounting stuff and bought sage instant accounts 2015 in the hope that it will be easier to work with (which im sure it will once i fully understand it) so you will have to try and bear with me . What i am trying to do is enter records from when customers have paid me in cas...
Does anyone (or their clients) use ZoHo Books?
I've got a potential new client who has been using the web-based ZoHo Books (www.zoho.com/books) to record his daily accounts. Does anyone have any experience (or hearsay) of this system? His business has centred around public training courses; he's now expanding into something akin to a franch...
Sage Anomaly
Just had my sage client ring me. She couldn't understand why the cash was showing a minus figure, as viewed from the bank module screen. I ran a nominal transaction list and exported to excel so I could see a running balance. It turns out the figure was positive but exactly the same amount. I then aske...