Do you reccommend clients use smartphone data entry apps?
Hello accounting experts - thanks for all the great advice thus far. My question is about data entry on mobile phones for accounting. The scenario i'm thinking of is small business or tax users keeping receipts recorded using their iphone. Do you see this becoming more prevalent in the industry? Do y...
Can you add a line to an invoice once it has been posted?
Hi, My brother in law has a business and uses Sage 50, he has entered and posted an invoice but has nissed an item off, can he amend the invoice and if so how? Thanks in advance
MCSP Cloud hosting
Hi All, I'm thinking of using these people for my hosted server facilities. I know a lot of taxassist franchises use them and I have spoken to a couple. Does anyone else use MCSP and do you recommend them? How are you future proofing yourselves and securing your data should the company cease to exist is m...
Sage 50 Accounts - Stock Adjustments
Hi All, I started using Sage 50 Accounts at the end of 2012 and I am just doing my first stock take. The business sells parts but also use them for refurbishing items. As the parts have been taken out of stock for refurbs they have not been recorded as yet so this brings me to two issues:- 1. The items already...
Xero question
I am starting up a bookkeeping business and looking into what software to use. Xero is looking like my choice at the moment but I'm a bit confused with the subscriptions cost. Would all my clients have to sign up? Or can I sign up as a bookkeeper and have multiple accounts? Thanks very much on a side not...
RnB books
Payroll software for 1 director
Hello, Can anyone help me with payroll software. I am looking for something that can run a directors pay and also can handle child care vouchers? I know there is sage line 50 but seems expensive for one employee. Any help appreciated. Thanks Lynne
Adaptive Accounts
Outstanding lodgements/suspense account help
Hi everyone, a newbie here! My company have switched from QB to Sage Instant and I'm in the process of entering this years transactions. I have a trial balance from our accountant which I've entered and we're so far, so good until I checked the suspense account... Basically, I enetered the back openin...
Sage Instant Accounts processing credit card refund
Hi. Can anyone help me? Putting a credit card refund through as a bank receipt (it is listed as a bank account) will not balance when trying to reconcile so I am wondering this is not the right procedure. Am completely stuck and would be very grateful for any advice. Thank you
Sagepay/online shop into sage?
Maybe there is a simple answer to this.. Money from our online sales goes into our business bank by sagepay (we release it every few days). Can someone please answer the following questions I have: 1) what should I enter online sales into my sage as? i dont want to make each transaction a separate cust...
sage backups
I don't use Sage much, I only have one client that uses it. I have been merrily working for him for the last few months and backing up at the end of the day but today was a little different. I was entering some batch invoices and suddenly they disappeared along with the lot before that lot so I had to do thos...
The majority of accountancy software is badly designed for most real world use.
My idea is this: that the maintenance of day books doesn't fit the way most businesses work nowadays with the immediacy of the availability of PayPal records, bank and credit card statements etc. Most accountancy software requires this recording and subsequent reconciliation to accounts, based...
Sage 50 Accounts - Allocating payments
Hi All, I use Sage 50 Accounts and am having a little trouble allocating payments . I want to batch complete orders from Sales Orders, so that invoices are created and payments are allocated to those invoices. I can batch process to create the invoices but payments dont then get allocated, meaning i...
QB - Fixed Asset Manager
Anyone know if the Accountant 2013 has one!?!?!? Tried hunting high and low for it with no luck... look at videos online and you can clearly see it under the 'accountant' tab, but theres nothing there..... Did they take it out for the 2013 version? The reason why I ask is i know how to account for dep'n and...
QB control accounts
Dear all, can you just help me little bit - how to set up Control Accounts in QuickBooks COA? (debtors control account, creditors control accounts , VAT control accounts ... )
I am just playing with QB Trial version and I did find possibility to set,edit,delete,create new accounts, But I am not sure...
VT or TaxCalc
Maybe I'm being a bit thick here, but I am looking for a final accounts prodution software that can file online, for sole trader/partnership and company accounts, and I don't know what TaxCalc can do that VT can't. I was using Andica software in previous years, it did the job but I have too many clients f...
Quickbooks and Final Accounts?
Hello. I am just wondering, after receiving some conflicting information, if anyone can clarify for me. Can QuickBooks Accountant edition be used to produce Final Accounts that can be submitted to Companies House? Thank You, Steve
Internet Cloud Software
I am thinking of offering my clients the opportunity to use the net to view their accounts. I'm just seeking advice on which software to use. I know Xero offer a package, but what about anybody else? Advice and comments please. Cheers Rob
QBE Book-Keeping
Need Help Learning Sage Instant
Anyone know of and could recommend a Sage tutor in Manchester area (West preferably) who provide some basic training and help setting up company account on Instant. Out of my depth I finally have to admit! Thanks
Sage Instants help please
Hi Everyone, I have a problem with Sage instants V12. When I do a bank rec luckily on a months worth, when I pres reconcile it comes up with 'An unexpected profram error (19) has been detected' then it says words to the effect that it won't be reconciled and the data won't be saved. Anyone any ideas, maybe...
What if my customer pays a penny out??
Hi there, I am doing the accounts for our business and have just started on Sage 50. We used to work on excel and anytime a customer paid slightly more or less, we let it go. However, when I am filling in customer receipts, how can i reconile with the bank if the amount is not matched? For example, mr A got...