moneysoft help
Quick question - I have 2 payrolls with pay dates of 31st March but moneysoft is showing them as due 25th on the RTI schedule. Have double checked the paydates and they are 31st March. 1 has a weekly payroll to file tomorrow and the other has CIS but no weekly payrolls. Not had this happen before. I kno...
Registering for VAT
Hi, I have a client who is nearing the VAT threshold. Before I go ahead and register him I wanted to ask if there are any businesses that don't need to register for VAT. I think in his case he has no choice. He is a coach with a franchise sports business which also sells rugby shirts. He is also at the point w...
Elaine R
Employee wages not paid by agreement
Employee is employed part time by Ltd Company and is a relative of the Company Director/Shareholder. Business is struggling but employee agrees to forgo salary until situation improves. PAYE is produced as normal and Company will repay wages owed at some point in the future. (ideally less than a...
Budgt thread 2016
By now I'm sure that most people will be reading the full budget report rather than listening to the rstricted commentary available in the media. Still reading through it but one thing that jumped out at me that I don't remember being mentioned in the speech is that as of next month tax on overdrawn DLA'...
timesheet deadline dates
I have recently had a client that gives me her team's timesheets right at the end of the last day of the month leaving me very little time to get the payroll done. I've decided this needs to change! The problem is that she wants to include the hours they work right up to the end of the month and not pay them i...
Scottish Employee's
I was just reading Melville and something that I had not thought about before jumped out at me as I was reading. To quote : "Employers south of the border will be required to apply the Scottish rate to any Scottish employee's they may have". Now, call me dumb (but bring friends, lol) but I had j...
Changing from weekly to monthly payroll
Ok, thinking well ahead here. I do a weekly payroll for 8 employees and their AE staging date is May 2017. I pretty much know now that a weekly payroll is going to be too costly so I'm going to suggest moving to a monthly payroll. Plenty of time to do the transition and I will gladly help with that but how do...
Employee left several months ago - only just found out
Long story short Been doing payroll for sole employee and emailing payslip every week to employer. Client owed me money not connected with bookkeeping or payroll and despite numerous promises repayment never materialised, and I had not heard from them for a while. I felt morally obliged to continu...
CIS return
Hi it has been a while since I have done a CIS return, do I enter the gross or net pay on HMRC? I assume it's net and then materials and then tax deducted but thought I had better check.
Partnership tax returns
Hi Yesterday I started working part-time for an accountant who doesn't use a computer, and the accounts admin person I've replaced is off sick and pretty much uncontactable. So I've been feeling my way around the pc to see what's what, and I've started filing overdue VAT and tax returns (accountant...
Accounting for the sale of shares in Limited Company
Hi - I have a client operating as a limited company with 100 £1 shares owned 50/50 by the two directors. One of the directors is resigning and the company is buying back his shares at a price of £50,000. The remaining director is then intending to purchase those 50 shares for a nominal value - probably £50...
Group VAT registration Supplier Invoice recharge
Hello, I need to recharge a Supplier invoice for some temporary recruitment to a company in our Group. We do not charge each other VAT as we are under same VAT reg. How do I pass on the cost of the VAT from the supplier invoice? Thanks, Kelly
12 Pay - New Starter/Previous Earnings
Hi There Hopefully someone will be able to help with this! A client took on a new starter & completed a P46. After the first week I received notification from HMRC of previous pay & earnings. However, I entered this within the PAYE tab in previous earnings, instead of the "front scree...
Preregistration Claims VAT (Flat Rate)
Hi I understand you can reclaim expenditure from prior registering for VAT. What I was wondering is if it is the same for Flat Rate as it is for normal. My instance is that my client purchased a large printer (they are a printing firm) for £10k+ VAT a couple of months ago, can they claim the VAT back as a ca...
Registering a client for VAT online
Ok I am not sure if I am being a bit stupid..... (just getting over the flu and still have a thick head!) I am a registered agent for a partnership & they want to apply to be VAT registered. I have to sign into the Gateway, then I need to authorise them again as a client, providing their VAT registration...
Can I run the FPS twice in one day? There is a new starter at one of the clients that they weren't going to pay for some reason or the other until next week, now they have decided that they will pay them this week, but I have already run this weeks payroll. So if I roll back and run payroll again with the new star...
how much are you charging for autoenrolment in payroll
I've just done my first autoenrolment payroll. They have done the pension set up and the letters etc so it's just setting the pension up in Moneysoft, downloading the file and uploading it on the PP website. How much are you charging for this? Other clients want me to manage the whole process. How muc...
PAYE for sole director of Limited Company
1 2
Its been a while since I have done anything payroll (pre rti), so I am not quite up to date (need to do some reading!) My brother in law has asked me to look at his books, he currently pays a lot of money to an accountant to do his accounts and VAT. He doesn't earn a massive amount, and only went limited for the...
Directors Salary
I have been running a payroll for a client who is director and sole employee of a limited co. Profits in the last 18mths have meant that the DLA shows an amount owing to the director which is not available to draw on. He has fairly suddenly decided to "retire", and drawn down pensions etc. bu...
Mobile Business and Daily sales - Vat and discount
Dear all We are keeping books for a T mobile franchisee and have come across their reporting as below Vat £31.67 Franchise Sales -£28.22 Payments collected on other providers (creditors) £272.27 Banking for the day £275.72 We using the above, did as below Cr Sales tax £31.67 DR Sales £28.22 Cr C...