Reprinting payslip of someone who has left the company (Sage 50 payroll)
Hi, I have been asked to print a copy of a payslip from August last year. This person in question left the company in November so there name no longer shows on our payroll. There were 3 employees (inc this person), now shows the two current employees. How do I reprint this, I am having problems finding...
Morning, If a contractor is only paying a sub-contractor for materials do they need to include the payment on their CIS return? I have a client who has paid some sub contractors for materials on a job before verifying them. Do these payments need to be included on the CIS return? The return has been su...
Deferred tax help needed please
Hi. I need to do a DT calculation and cannot remember how to do it, can anyone help please? I now that it is the difference between the writing down allowances and the capital allowances but how do you bring the disposal of an asset into the calculation. Can anyone provide an example please?
Vat on services
Hi, Am I correct in thinking that if a UK company is Vat registered and sells services to Germany there is no vat ? And do I put the EU sales in box 8 of the Vat return and fill out an EC sales list? It's a while since I did this so need someone to clarify for me Thanks George
Pro-rata Part Time Salary Question
Hi We have a member of staff who when she started was unsure of how many hours per week she would do, but it would probably be 20 hours a week. She was taken on at £15,000 per annum pro rata. As the hours weren't definitely set at 20 per week, we put her on £7.21 as an hourly rate and each month we work out how man...
Error in gross pay
Hi An employee has asked me this question, I think I know the answer but I am hoping for a better outcome. They have been earning £390.00 per month up to December 2014, then from January 2015 their gross pay rose to £780.00 per month. However, the employer forgot to amend the payroll, so they were not pai...
Bucks Bodger
overseas contractor working in the uk for a uk registered agent.
I'm an englishman based in The Netherlands and was contracted by a uk agent to work in the UK. Both of us are VAT registered, the agent with the UK HMRC and myself with Dutch authority. The agent has refused to pay VAT as I am not UK registered. My understanding of VAT in the EU is they are liable and can recl...
avionics support
running payroll question
very basic and silly question.
if someone wants to take on an employee for say 2-3 hours a week and say that person is under 16. Does the employer need to run payroll?
Another scenario is say the employer needed someone casually say 2-3 hours a week but not every week only when they were called in....
Tax Code query
Hi all I have a client for whom I run a payroll, she is the only Director & employee of a Ltd Company. She is closing the company on April 5th, and from April 6th she will be employed by a new Ltd Company, of which she will be one of 3 Directors. I have received notification of a new Tax Code for her, effect...
Bucks Bodger
Payroll year end
Next week i will be running week 51 and because I will be off work the week after will also be advancing week 52. Am I alright to then submit everything to HMRC a week early and set up for week 1 again for when I come back? Am I right in assuming that because my week 52 pay date is the 4th April then I won't need to r...
VAT on sale and redemption of gift vouchers
My client is a retailer who sells gift vouchers to the general public to be used only in one of its 2 stores. Goods at the stores are subject to a mixture of VAT rates ie not just standard rated items. At the moment, VAT is being accounted for when the voucher is issued and also when the voucher is redeemed...
date to declare rental income from
Hi, I have a client who is just registering as self employed due to rental income. The issue is that the flat is jointly owned and has been making a loss for the last few years, the wife was declaring the rental income on her self assessment and following advice from an accountant they didn't declare any...
Contractor pay dates
Hi can some one please advise me regarding pay dates for sub contractors . Should I insist they are paid monthly, so I only have one payroll to run or process it fortnightly? What do you all do? Georgie
Overthinking VAT query....?!
Hi. I am getting in a right pickle with the following situation....Any help much appreciated!! So - I have a client who's an interior designer. She is thinking of going VAT registered, (she's not quite at the threshold yet, but a couple more big jobs will push her over; and apparently suppliers will gi...
AIA and Low Profits
Not sure if this is an incomprehensible ramble, or some sort of coherent question, as I want to ask something, but can't think of the right question? . I think it's because all the numbers are so tiny that I'm bewildered! I'm doing a 2013/14 tax return* and want to be clear about claiming AIA. It's on a £1,...
Directors Salary / NIC
Good afternoon. Having spent the best part of the afternoon pondering on this problem I have accepted it may not be a problem but I am still not confident. During the year a new client left his well paid PAYE employment and started as a one man Ltd Company. He has since been paid a salary each month of £833....
IR35 and lorry drivers
I have been approached by a potential client, a long distance lorry driver who trades under a Ltd Company. The PC works for one haulage firm. The present accountant charges a weekly fee and offsets the flat rate VAT element against future accountancy fees. The weekly fee consists of managing all in...
VAT on invoice for work abroad via UK agent?
My question is about whether or not to charge VAT on an invoice to an agent.We are a UK based VAT registered partnership. We perform a street entertainment act.Recently we performed in Dubai for a Dubai based client.This work was arranged through a UK based VAT registered entertainment agency.The...
Tax code notices
Hi I complete payroll for a company and am listed as their agent. On 28 February I received an email to say there was a coding notice so I duly logged on to HMRC - can see '2' coding notices in the list for this client but when I click on it there is nothing there. If I go via the client then there is nothing sho...
12pay payroll
Hi, I need help in setting up an employee in 12pay. He is a CIS contractor so no P45 etc. It's for a friend who is an electrician and as I have not done payroll for donkeys years and manual at that before all this RTI malarky. Elaine
Elaine R