First Client
Woo hoo!!! I am so excited!!! I have got my first client today!!! Haven't stopped grinning since I had the phone call!!! I am starting with him at the beginning of November, so shall I make that the beginning of my financial year? And I need to actually register with HMRC as self employed - will my employe...
Hi all! i have a question about licensing. I am a MAAT (full member of the aat) and on their website it states that I must hold a valid licence if I am self employed or running a business, which I am not yet but would like to do. This is expensive and is a large application. I have read online that you don't nee...
VAT regsitered sole trader (under the threshold) buys FHL with wife, should the FHL be vat registered
Hi, can anoybody help me on this. A VAT registered sole trader (only turns over 30k per year, is de-registering asap) has bought an FHL jointly with his wife in July......should they be paying VAT on the FHL income? the total turnover for both businesses will be under the VAT threshold. I know that onc...
Sage Bank Transactions
Really weird issue here. I have entered almost a year's worth of customer receipts on the bank, I can see these transactions in the transactions scree you can use to edit transactions, I can also see the SR in the customer account however when I select the bank activity for this account with a correct da...
Money Manager
I have an old version of TAS Books 2 which is now becoming corrupt and it is time to change. I use Sage with the majority of clients (their choice not mine) but I want something simple and cost effective that I can use for several clients without spending a fortune and am considering purchasing Money Ma...
Windows 10
1 2 3
Hi Anyone else had Windows 10 forced on them? .... I was just doing some work in VT when a message comes up "abandon transaction? I click cancel and then my laptop shuts down, restarts and is now as I type configuring Windows 10! ....Anybody else had this? Georgie
Opinions on Business Name
I am hoping people could possibly spare the time to offer me your opinion on my proposed new business name. To give a little background, I have been working under my initials and bookkeeping ( __ Bookkeeping & Business Services) for the last 10 years quite successfully. Following my youngest c...
lots to learn
It's me AGAIN with ANOTHER HP journal problem!! SORRY
Hi, I'm sorry to keep posting about HP journals....I just can't do them EVER!! or understand them. ( I wish there was someway I could learn to work the bloody things out but it seems to take me hours and days sometimes) If anyone could help I would be very grateful!! This car was bought in September 2013 a...
New Business Name
Ok, so this probably seems a crazy idea but I am currently in the process of re-marketing and changing my business name. For the past 10 years I have done bookkeeping work on a very casual basis while my 3 young children were all at home. With my youngest having just started school (sob sob), I am now in a...
lots to learn
Can you claim the mortgage interest (re-mortgaged) on property that you let
Hi, another question (sorry) I have a client who has been letting out her property for years, when she originally bought the property she bought it outright with no mortgage. She has now re-mortgaged and it's a buy to let mortgage - it's not for the whole house just for £25K plus interest. Is the mortg...
Capital Gains Tax
Hi all, Just after some opinions please on costs of acquisition, deductible in a CGT calculation. In the situation where a house has been inherited by someone, and passed through probate in order for that to happen there is a solicitors bill for their services. CG15250 says that the costs deducted h...
VAT registration
Hi all I have a client who is dangerously close to the VAT threshold. His business is within the service industry and mainly to private individuals so it would be of obvious disadvantage to him being registered. We have discussed regular forecasting with the idea of purposefully trading just belo...
lots to learn
Getting clients
Hello everyone I am quite new on here and have just set up my own bookkeeping business in Worcestershire. I am trying to get some more clients and I wondered if anyone had a good methods that worked for them? Or does anyone they could refer to me? All help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you :hands...
Pensions - lump sums on the tax return
Hi can anybody help me with this? I have a client who has 3 pensions, 2 of which have been taxed and I have put the total gross and total tax paid in these boxes in the tax return and that's all fine (I think!)Pensions (other than State Pension), retirement annuities and taxable triviality payments:Tax...
FHL expenses
H I'm sorry I think I may have started asking about this before, I've searched for my post but I can't find it. FHL expenses I know about and how to deal with repairs & maintenance, capital allowances for white goods and furniture etc BUT I can't find a straight answer for things like bedding, cutle...
Amended Accounts
Hi Is it the full set of accounts or just the abbreviated accounts that you send to Companies House? Georgie
VAT Thresholds - do I have this correct
Hi can anyone clear this up for me and tell me if this is right. A business deregisters for VAT because their turnover was under the re-registration threshold of £81,000 The next 12 months turnover after deregistering must stay below £81,000 (the total turnover of the 12 months in total, not at any p...
Payroll - auto enrolment etc
Hi everyone I'm starting to get a bit worried about the auto enrolment pensions now. It's been so long since I did the ICB Payroll Management Diploma that I can't even remember how to process pensions! Are there any payroll courses that cover the processing of pensions? or have the ICB exams been updat...
Salary daily rate
Hi all Please can anyone advise on how to calculate a salary daily rate. thanks
Silly Digits
Advertising postcards
Hi Guys I have just drafted up some content for a adverting postcard and I wondered if anyone could possibly have a read through for me to make sure it doesn't sound too ridiculous I'm quite happy for it to be ripped apart, I want to get it right. I haven't done any advertising for a while and have room fo...