Can't access sage backup command, please help
Hi. I hope someone can help me. I am running a 3 company, 1 user sage software on my desktop. I have since uploaded the software onto my laptop and transferred the data from the desktop to the laptop. Everything has been restored correctly however when I try to go to File > backup at the end of a ses...
Accounts package
Has anyone had problems with e-mailed invoices from sage not working? Also whilst I'm at it are there any accountancy packages out there that are similar in that you can email invoices and statement out in a similar way?
Journals - VT+ Software
OK, this is a silly niggly problem but it's bugging me. I do a wages journal once a week and have the autocomplete function without numbers switched on. There were two employees but one left and I can't delete this employee from the journal completely, only by deleting that row. I have tried turning o...
Importing invoices into Quickbooks
I have a client for whom I have been doing invoicing in QB. It's a bit of a bind because there are about 50 individual invoices with similiar description and pricing each month. Memorised invoices work well but sometimes things change and I'm not made aware so incorrect ones are sent. They are now ta...
Setting up Net Monthly Terms on Quickbooks
Hey Guys....me again!! i cant seem to gte the setting right to set up net monthly for a supplier, does anyone know how to set it up? i can only get it to work correctly mid month, the problem either comes when the invoice is dated at the end of month! Thanks Rox
Quickbooks help, Merging two 'companies'...
I really shouldn't play around with things like this... ... I worked for a long time on my business file last week in quickbook Pro Advisor, starting from this years tax year. When it came to leave the office i closed it down and shut down the computer... quickbooks then gave the usual response of 'not r...
Quickbooks - Debit Card Transactions
Hi, Just got the quickbooks pro 2013 and started to put on transactions - ok with creditors etc and this is probably blindingly obvious but how do you put on a debit card transaction for things like fuel? Thanks in advance Rox
Entering Salary info on Quickbooks
Hi Guys, Another question! So i have manged to put all the purchases and invoices on to quickbooks for the last year but now i need to put on the salaries, how do i do this if i dont have the payroll software. i have a salaries expense account set up, how do i manage the tax and NIC's? Do i enter the gross or net...
Quickbooks - Posting fuel and 'Directors' account.
As the title suggests really... Ive been crash coursing myself with Quickbooks yesterday and i think by the end of my 5-6 hours in front of it I got the hang of posting invoices and 'cheques' (took a while to get my head around this one as i was posting cash receipts as cheques...?) but anyway, I found the i...
Hello! Im thinking about doing a sage course. I have absolutley no experience in this field but am looking for a career change (well looking for a career really), my dad suggested to me that this would be a good path to go down. The courses can be quite pricey and i dont want to waste any money. Just wonder...
Sage Help
I am currently working on Sage 50 professional version 2013. I am having problems working out what to do when staff borrow petty cash money (bank1230) out of the petty cash account then it is money is deducted from their wages which is paid through bank 1200. Do i need to transfers/ journals or both....
Sage One Software... Main differences!?!
Hello, Can someone please point out the main differences between Sage One software when compared against Sage 50 please as I've never worked on it. I've been asked to work on the P/L side only... to post invoices, receipts, payments, rec the bank, process VAT return and produce the usual month end rep...
Need help on loading Quickbooks on my new laptop!
HI Everyone, I have a new laptop and I have loaded QB Accountants 2013 on it no probs, but I also need Pro 2008 on it. I have installed it but it doesn't seem to work and when you go into a customer you have to restore it as it can't find the file. Is it compatible with Windows 7???? I have 2 clients who I can't...
Which software to choose??
Hi Everyone This is my first post on here so I'm sorry if I commit any major faux pas!! Tonight I am meeting my first potential client - a second hand car dealer - so I have to make a final decion soon as to which software to choose and I am looking for recommendations! On the face of it Sage seems to cover all ba...
Hi, Recently, I discovered one online software: quickfile.co.uk What do you think about this one ? I think this is free and easy to use but I'm not sure if useful. Thanks in advance for any advice.
The Intuit seminar site debrief.
Hi all, this is intended as a thread for any site attendee's of the Intuit roadshow to add their comments on their experience of the event and related thoughts about the Intuit products. My report relates to the Custard Factory event in Birmingham. Hope that Amanda gets chance to add some comments on t...
Sage gives me "contains an invalid path" whenever I try to run any financial report.
Hi, All of a sudden Sage has semi-died on me! When I try to run trial balance, it says C:\PROGRAM FILES\SAGE\ACCOUNTS\REPORTS\\*TB.SRT contains an invalid path Similar results but finishing with \\*BS.SRT for balance sheet and likewise for all other financial reports that I have tried. The da...
Is it Possible
Good day to All Can some Expert on VT please tell me if it possible to change the currency from Pounds to Dollars and Vat to GST. I would like to recommend the software to a friend in Australia. If not can someone please recommend a software package that could fill the gab must be as user friendly as V...
Peter Pan
Software compatible with the Education Sector??
Hi, Does anybody have experience with software in the Education Sector? If so I would appreciate your opinions please. I am currently working in the Education Sector and we are currently in the process of researching software with the intent of implementing new software next year. I have been di...
No icons or functions showing after Text Colour
Hi, I'm using a decrepit PC while I get my new one sorted out. Previously, the forum was fully functional but for the past few weeks has not been showing avatars and the above listed posting functions. I updated Firefox to v15 last week but this made no difference. The OS is Windows 7. Any ideas why th...
Don Tax